Experts agree, the west coast is due.
Vancouver and coastal areas are vulnerable to an earthquake or tsunami event that may destroy infrastructure for years. Disaster recovery planning is foremost on the minds of risk analysts.
Being prepared means having your data in a safe, and accessible location. Having a disaster recovery location is critical to continuing business in the face of natural disaster.
Kelowna is a natural choice being only a few hours away from the coast in a geographically stable location. East and West data paths ensure that your data stays always online. Reliable power with dual power grids and backup generators keep you online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our climate, with the lowest average wind speed in the country and minimal rainfall year round.
Disaster recovery takes many forms. From co-location, to replicated virtualization, to rented offsite storage. We can help keep your business running.
Offsite Backups
The most basic of disaster recovery levels is the offsite backup. Copies of critical files and databases are pushed to remote backup servers in secure environments. Technologies range from simple (s)FTP, Rsync type transfers to vendor specific technologies like VEEM and other backup vendors. While this is a bare minimum, time to restore an operating environment may be too long for proper business continuity.
Disaster Recovery Co-location
Real time redundancy is the ultimate recovery option. Companies can create tailored remote nodes that are always available in case of disaster or just service outage at their primary location. Many companies leverage spare hardware into setting up there remote nodes, making it very cost effective. From 1U to dozens of racks, ensuring your application or corporate infrastructure is ready and online maximizes availability and business continuity.
Provision Data is on-net with both Shaw and Telus for transit and MPLS connections into any of our 3 facilities. We can help you design your DR strategy and arrange any special requirements you may have.
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